Vice Deanship for Quality


Vice Dean's Messagr:

Academic quality is a key component in the educational activities offered by university colleges in order to demonstrate the safety of their procedures and win over the beneficiaries, trust. Numerous programs offered by the university have received both local and international certification as a result of the Vice Deanship for Quality's continuous verification of the programs, compliance with accreditation bodies, standards, which demonstrates the programs, dedication to high standards of excellence. It is worth noting that program evaluations are conducted beyond accreditation to guarantee academic excellence. 


Tasks of the Vice Deanship:

  • Provide technical support for the academic programs at the university to be eligible for program accreditation.
  • Prepare operational plans for periodic review, monitor program compliance with quality standards, and create the necessary forms and guides.
  • Provide periodic feedback on the extent to which programs eligible for accreditation are met.
  • Develop special guides related to program accreditation and the university's quality assurance guide.
  • Monitor the progress of academic programs that have been awarded conditional accreditation prior to submitting them to the Education and Training Evaluation Commission.
  • Provide the required support to offer observations on meeting the conditions of programs that have received conditional approval.